Returning to the Void ⭕️ πŸŒ‘

Dear friends,

These last few weeks I have sat at the precipice of the void for many hours. I have attended/witnessed/been transformed by the birth of a small human and the death of an old man. My father.

And I'm writing it here as part of my process. Because death - and the witnessing of it - are as much of a rite of passage as is birth.

And frankly, Western medicine fucks up death in very much the same way that it fucks up birth. Medical technology makes these processes convenient for the system and dehumanizes the individual.

But regardless of how it happens, the aftermath requires a time of integration. An opportunity to process, release and make meaning. In addition to grieving.

I'm not sure how much I need to say here in this email. I have MUCH to say. And it will come out over the weeks and months.

But I do want to say that Sacred Rhythms is going to simmer quietly this summer.

Because I want to honor this time and space. Because I need to be present for my children. And my mother. Because laying fallow is an important and healthy part of every cycle.

I will continue to teach Prenatal Yoga on Monday evenings.

And I would LOVE for you to join my Mini-Retreat for Moms at the end of June. I know the gathering with you will be nourishing to me and to you! We will connect in a sacred container to set aside the immediate demands of mothering. It will be an opportunity to peek under the surface and tend to some larger concerns. It will be like a little pressure relief so there is a bit more ease, or an answer to a lingering thought.

I had originally set the early-bird price to end on May 31. But I was not around to remind you. So I'm extending the early bird pricing of $80 for the 4-hr retreat to THIS FRIDAY - June 7.

I look forward to seeing you over the summer - in retreat, class or at the park!


Just so that you know all the ways I can support you

Mini-Retreat for Moms

June 29, 1-5pm
@ Four Farms Place



for Fertility + Conception

​Cycles + Seasons free workshop​
Somatic Womb Tending
Vaginal Steaming

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for Pregnancy + Birth

​Prenatal Yoga​
​Childbirth Education​
​Mother Blessing Ceremony​
Birth Doula

​Schedule a Private Session →​


for Postpartum + Motherhood

​Postpartum Closing the Bones Ceremony​
Birth Trauma Resolution

​Schedule a Private Session →​

Sacred Rhythms

If I can share space in your inbox, I'll whisper my heart-felt musings on the making of Mother Culture - and invite you to our gatherings

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